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Quality Digest: Gen Z to the Rescue as Mfg Faces a 'Silver Tsunami'

Written by L2L | Aug 7, 2019 4:15:00 PM

A survey measuring Generation Z's take on manufacturing finds an incredible opportunity to tap into the upcoming workforce generation.


'The 2019 L2L Manufacturing Index, an annual measurement of the American public’s perceptions of U.S. manufacturing, found that adults in Generation Z (those aged 18–22) are 19 percent more likely to have had a counselor, teacher, or mentor suggest they look into manufacturing as a viable career option when compared to the general population. One-third (32 percent) of Generation Z has had manufacturing suggested to them as a career option, as compared to only 18 percent of Millennials and 13 percent of the general population.'





Read the full article on Quality Digest