Plant Services: Study: 32% of Gen Z had Manufactured Suggested to Them

Daan Assen

Survey conducted by L2L reveals that there may be hope for a new generation of industry workers in Gen Z.


'The 2019 L2L Manufacturing Index, an annual measurement of the American public’s perceptions of U.S. manufacturing, found that adults in Generation Z (those aged 18-22) are 19% more likely to have had a counselor, teacher or mentor suggest they look into manufacturing as a viable career option when compared to the general population. One-third (32%) of Generation Z has had manufacturing suggested to them as a career option, as compared to only 18% of Millennials and 13% of the general population.






Read the full article on Plant Services


Original version: 18 July 2024
Written by: Evelyn DuJack
Reviewed by: Daan Assen

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