Process Improvement
Own Your Shop Floor
Reduce Scrap
Track waste and attribute codes to the causes of scrap, helping get to the root cause of the problem. Give scrap a financial value and understand the best way to dispose of it.
Prioritize Safety
The digital Safety Cross brings incident prevention into the hands of every shop floor worker. See major and minor incidents and implement plans to prevent them.
Empower Your Workforce
Train and retain your frontline workers with our training and skills modules. Empower your workforce with job-focused no-code apps.
Grow Your Production
Maximize production throughput by giving your workers the real-time visibility they needs to drive efficiency throughout your plant.
Digital Transformation in:
Building Materials: Setting Your Digital Foundation by Connecting Your Workforce
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L2L Optimizes
Frontline Workers
"The beauty of L2L is that our operators and technicians have real-time information. L2L is optimizing the frontline workers."
Carlos Domingues
Empower Your Workforce
"Associates know what's expected and what the actual throughput is of the process that they have direct control over."