For manufacturing enterprise leaders looking to deploy a Manufacturing Execution System (MES), Gartner Analysts offer a valuable way to shorten the distance between where they're at and understanding the best solutions to consider for their specific needs.
However, what do most enterprise IT leaders value even more?
Recommendations straight from their peers. Especially when they're based on first hand experience.
Gartner's Peer Insights customer reviews - MES
Hard learned best practices from other successful companies can take time to gather. So Gartner created the Peer Insights platform as a way to capture and aggregate in-depth reviews of enterprise IT solutions, effectively allowing companies (and the public) to tap into the collective experience of large enterprise customers.
Every year, the solution providers that have the largest quantity of reviews (50+) go into the running for the "Customer's Choice" designation. From that group, the four with the highest ratings are branded Customer's Choice designee's for the given year. Here are the four providers designated for 2020: (Notice their ratings range between 4.3 - 4.5)
The Problem: Quantity vs. Quality
The problem with this is that although it's important to have a sufficient baseline number of reviews, the average rating is what truly matters more than number of reviews. How customers rate a solution and whether they recommend it is what we're interested to know.
NOTE: When pulling up reviews for MES providers on Peer Insights, the default is to show results by quantity of reviews received by a company rather than quality of reviews (ratings by customers). As ratings are the best indication of value to a customer, you'll want to sort the results for "Average Rating, High to Low" to see who customers are recommending.
Once you've sorted for average rating, you'll notice that as of May 2020, the "Choice of Customer" group gets collectively bumped down the list, the first one being Parsec that now shows up in 8th place, and the others further down the list.
Highest when sorted by overall rating
L2L's Lean Execution System (LES) platform, referred to by its foundational module name CloudDISPATCH, however rises straight to the top.
Let's take a look at how L2L's platform compares to each of the 2020 Customer's Choice designees:
The conclusion is clear and the verdict is out. Of all 45 rated solution providers for MES on Peer Insights, L2L's customers rated their LES at the top of the list.
At 4.8, it's a significantly higher overall rating than each of the Customer's Choice providers.
Original version: 18 July 2024
Written by: Evelyn DuJack
Reviewed by: Daan Assen
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